It helps if everyone is clear about what happens if any student displays ‘barriers to learning’. No one has the right to disturb other students’ learning.
Arrive to lessons on time and with the right equipment.
Follow instructions the first time.
Listen to the person who should be talking.
Keep hands, feet and unkind words to yourself.
Put your hand up if you want attention.
Work hard to complete all tasks that are set and to make expected progress.
Demonstrate the Catholic Values of the Academy in all that you do.

A ‘Behaviour Log’ will be recorded on Arbor for all C2-C6 incidents, which will be emailed home to parents/guardians.
It is your responsibility to attend the C4 detention on the correct date. Failure to attend this detention will result in a day in the St Aloysius Centre followed by a one-hour detention. If you are absent on the day of the detention or you already have another detention on this date, you must rearrange the detention with the teacher who issued the C4.
Whole Academy detentions missed are transferred automatically to the next available date and the student is expected to attend this detention. Failure to do so will result in the next consequence being issued.
Suspensions can be authorised by the Principal for behaviour that is deemed inappropriate.
Persistent disruption/defiance will not be tolerated and can result in a suspension.
Students refusing to complete their St Aloysius Centre day(s) will be issued with a suspension and will complete their St Aloysius Centre day when they return to the Academy before being allowed to return to lessons.