Children who are new to English


Any pupil who speaks another language, apart from English, falls into the EAL category (English as an Additional Language). This includes pupils who were born in the UK.

  At OLSC, we believe that it is a priority for children learning English as an Additional Language (EAL), to rapidly acquire language so that they can gain access to the curriculum as quickly as possible.
Pupils learning EAL will generally be taught in class alongside their peers as this is known to be the best way of accruing a new language quickly.
 Newly arrived pupils will usually be given additional help in learning English, this is through the use of the Lexia program during House Tutor time and can also be accessed at home. We have also recently acquired access to Flash Academy as a way of supporting pupils in the classroom. This is available to EAL pupils who require additional support in accessing the English language in the classroom.
 Classroom teachers have the responsibility for ensuring that pupils can participate in lessons. Where appropriate, we may also set up withdrawal classes to provide more focused support. This could be in the form of the Lexia program or small group-based work in St Joseph Centre. If this is the case, pupils will have been assessed in order to ascertain what help would benefit them the most.
All newly-arrived bilingual learners have a right of access to the curriculum, and provision for newly-arrived EAL learners is not separate but integrated into all subject areas. Children and young people learn best when they feel secure and valued. We therefore, focus on the positive contributions made by new arrivals.
 Provision is based on a meaningful assessment of pupils’ prior knowledge and experience as well as language skills.
We will provide appropriate translation services as needed to parents or carers of EAL students.
We believe that promoting tolerance and building harmonious communities is important. Currently at OLSC, we have over 30 different languages spoken by students and staff. We encourage young people to learn about different people’s cultures as it can help them to better understand the community in which they live and to become good citizens.

Flash Academy