Year 7 to 11 students remain on site during break and lunchtime. No permission will be granted for offsite break time arrangements.
The Academy is proud of the dining facilities and of the high number of students who frequently use one of the three social/dining zones at the Academy.
Lunch is cooked and served on the Academy premises and a cafeteria service is available, offering a variety of snacks and sandwiches. Arrangements are made for students to eat sandwiches they bring from home. All of the items on the menu are priced individually so the daily cost will depend on what a child eats, however the hot dish of the day and a sweet costs approximately £2.60 at current prices.
A break service is available in three different zones. Teaching staff supervise the gate at break and lunchtime and students remain in school during these times. The school gate is supervised by non-teaching staff during lesson times too.
Healthy eating is a key priority in school and students are encouraged to take advantage of the healthy food options in the canteen. The Academy has been awarded the nationally recognised Healthy School Award.
The Academy operates a cashless environment and makes use of ParentPay to offer parents a variety of payment options.
Express Stations are now open at Lunchtime!

I would like to show you what we will be offering in January to wet the taste buds, please the links to promo posters below.
We will be continuing the ‘Street Food’ promotions until the end of February. But we will also be highlighting the ‘Nudge Nudge’ campaign we launched in September to encourage healthy eating.
The catering team will have the healthy eating posters up in the dining room and have more salads that are interesting to the pupils available, we will be increasing the production of fruit pots and healthy hot dishes.