
The School of Social Science at Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy consists of Psychology and Law. The social sciences aim to teach our pupils about how society works. Social scientists examine institutions like the government, the economy, and family; they also study how individuals and groups interact with one another and what drives human behaviour.

The Key stage 3 Curriculum gives our pupils the opportunity to study some aspects of Psychology and then to further develop their knowledge at GCSE and A Level.  Subjects such as Psychology are taught at GCSE level and aim to Inspire and engage students by providing an extensive, coherent, and a valuable course of study. This will help our pupils to develop an understanding of the ideas and values that characterise their everyday lives. Moreover, both of these subjects intend to develop pupil’s knowledge of Research methods; including quantitative and qualitative research.

At Post -16, pupils are given the opportunity to specialise in Psychology and Law which aim to develop a critical understanding by debating contemporary issues in order to challenge everyday social phenomena.

Furthermore, the subjects offered, aim to develop the ability to critically analyse information and use evidence in order to make informed arguments, reaching substantiated judgements and drawing conclusions.

Social Science subjects are crucial in our everyday lives as they teach pupils how to evaluate by identifying reliable data sources so that they are able to independently evaluate research, using a variety of sources.

All three of the subjects taught within Social Science aim to develop pupil’s knowledge and skills in everyday lives including making informed decisions about further study and career choices.



Social Sciences are taught using a range of creative and innovative pedagogies. Lessons are planned meticulously and delivered using a range of differentiated strategies to cater for each learning style. Each lesson in Social Sciences consists of a combination of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learning activities to cater for all our learners.

At GCSE and A- level, pupils develop their practical and research skills by learning to define problems, collect data, and evaluate information to reach a conclusion.

The use of Knowledge organisers across Social Science have helped pupils to develop and organise their knowledge of each topic and developed their literacy skills. In all three of our subjects, we prioritise the use of reading and literacy skills with extensive use of subject specific vocabulary in both written and oral pieces of work.

Pupils are given sufficient opportunities to critically evaluate a range of resources within their lessons to develop their critical thinking skills. For example, Psychology involves critical analysis of theories and studies, while Law enables our learners to synthesise ideas and evidence from several sources to support arguments.

GCSE topics have been chosen to enable students to develop understanding of topics further at post 16 level.

Pupils are encouraged to be reflective learners and regularly evaluate their own progress and performance by referring to knowledge organisers and personalised learning checklists.


Pupils that study Social Science subjects will develop their practical and research skills by conducting qualitative and quantitative research in order to reach conclusions based on research.

Over time, data on pupil’s assessments will demonstrate that pupils have a secure knowledge of each subject to enable them to achieve good grades in the Social Sciences.

Pupils that study Social Science will be enthusiastic learners and will largely pursue further Social Science studies in the next stages of their education.

Studying these subjects will develop pupils’ extensive range of, transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, research and analysis, which are all valued in both higher education and the workplace

Our learners will be proficient and competent in demonstrating the 4 key Skills in Social Sciences. These include Demonstrating knowledge, Application of knowledge, Analysis of information and Evaluation of evidence.

Fundamental British Values such as democracy, individual liberty, rule of law and mutual respect are present across the Social Sciences. These Values will prepare our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives.


Progression Map

Please view the additional documents in school:

  • Curriculum on a page
  • Knowledge Organisers