At Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy children are at the heart of our curriculum. We will endeavour to ensure that all of our students become respectful and respected individuals with a conscience rooted in Christian values that are underpinned by the resilience and desire to be a light in the world.
We will develop an engaging curriculum for all that promotes co-operation, aspiration and global awareness whilst also addressing the contextual barriers which hinder progress.
Barriers to this are:
- Lack of social skills
- Low aspirational / confidence
- Lack of resilience
- Lack of connectedness
- Low Literacy
We aim to provide opportunities for students to transcend their everyday experiences and overcome these barriers by becoming effective and articulate communicators, with high aspirations to become the people God created them to be in the world.
Our Key curriculum drivers are:
- Communication and interaction
- Initiative and drive
- Connected learning
Communication and Interaction
Developing literacy skills and co-operation in learning which builds confidence and resilience in knowledge acquisition and application.
Initiative and drive
Developing aspirations and a sense of vocation to inspire curiosity, a desire to be the best we can be and a willingness to serve others.
Connected Learning
Developing a sense of the world beyond our own context to encourage an awareness of national and global concepts.
We believe in a curriculum which is driven by an understanding of the students’ own context and the world beyond.
We want all our children to experience:
- A school curriculum which deepens understanding of Gospel values of the teaching of the Catholic church and of their own spiritual potential. (Initiative and Drive)
- A knowledge-rich, expert-led curriculum where students will encounter high quality, sequential learning which delivers all components of the National Curriculum and more. This will provide a solid foundation on which to build secure knowledge and understanding through application of learning in new contexts where learners know more and remember more. (Communication and Interaction)
- Opportunities to develop expertise in effective communication in a range of contexts and to a range of audiences. (Communication and Interaction)
- A development of self-confidence and self-discipline, growth in self-esteem and develop sensitivity to and respect for others. (Initiative and Drive)
- A safe and supportive family environment which cares for and promotes positive self- awareness and care for others. (Initiative and Drive)
- A respect for their community and for the environment; with an appreciation of the interdependence of all aspects of the world. (Connected Learning)
- Enrichment activities which expand horizons, encourages students to fulfil their dreams and aspirations (Connected Learning)
- The promotion of a healthy emotional and physical lifestyle, encouraging participation in physical activity nurturing talent. (Communication and Interaction)