Assemblies/ Prayer and Liturgies
Once a week students come together as a year group and observe the celebrations of the liturgical calendar as well as other festivals, celebrations from our schools cultural and religious diversity. These sessions are created and delivered by students within their house tutor groups on a rota basis.
Timetable of Prayer and liturgies:

Catholic Liturgical Calendar:

Throughout the academic year we also have guest speakers come and deliver sessions. This varies according to the needs and interests of the year groups.Recently we have invited external agencies in to cover some of the following topics and issues:
Local Community Police officer:
Social Media, Consent,
County Lines
Anti Bullying
Online Grooming
Knife Crime / Youth Violence
Hate Crime
Motivational Speaker: Abbie Brown (English Women’s Rugby player)
Tina Fallon / Louisa Craig – Judo ( GB Judo Athletes)