Choosing the right course at the right university for you will require some research. The more research you put into the process, the more likely you will be to make the right decision. Doing your homework will pay-off. Take some time to browse through the sites recommended below. Every course and every university is different and it’s finding the right match for you.
You will not be on your own making this decision – you will receive a lot of support from the Careers Team, the Sixth Form College Team and your House Tutors throughout your journey at Our Lady and St Chad Catholic Academy.
What should I consider when choosing a university course?
The following websites listed below will give you hints on what you should be thinking about – please click on the links and have a look!
Complete University Guide – University Rankings, Guides and Courses:
UCAS | At the heart of connecting people to higher:
Whatuni: Compare the Best University Degrees Courses UK: